
Flatland|3D Pro E-Skate Glove Review: Are these good for Onewheelers?

by freshlycharged

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Check out what they have at Flatland|3D

I love my HillBilly half finger wrist guard gloves but in the winter it just gets too cold on my digits even while wearing a light underliner under my HillBilly gloves. So I’ve been searching for a full fingered glove that also provides wrist protection and I came across the Flatland|3D Pro-Eskate Glove. I reached out to them and they offered to send me a pair to review.

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My favorite warm weather glove

If you are looking for a good warm weather glove, my favorite is their Original E-Skate fingerless glove which recently saved my son from shredding up his palms.


  • Warm
  • Comfortable
  • Durable
  • Stylish
  • Flexible
  • Wrist Protection
  • Palm Protection
  • Removable Wrist Protection
  • Good Warranty


  • Not fully touch sensitive
  • Price
  • Weak stitching near the base of the thumb

There are far more Pros than Cons when it comes to these gloves. Be sure to check out my review video of these glove here:

Pro Details:

I love how comfortable these gloves are and the great range of motion I have while wearing them. Now I’ll be able to hold my hot chocolate in one hand while holding my selfie stick and GoPro in the other with no problems.

I think the scaphoid protection system is great and having fallen on my wrists multiple times with my Hillbilly Gloves, I’m a firm believer that having a hard surface at the impact points of the base of the palms is extremely important to help reduce the likelihood of severe injury.

The gloves are well constructed and look great. I rode out in near freezing weather and while my toes were tingling and my lips numb from the cold, my fingers were fine because of these gloves. The Flatland|3D gloves did a much better job keeping my fingers warm than my usual thin liner gloves under my Hillbilly half finger gloves.

Con Details:

These gloves are not cheap but you get what you pay for and in this case you are getting a patented system that will protect your wrist while allowing for a greater range of motion. The materials are of high quality but it is still a high price to pay for a premium product.

I have one of the first versions of this glove which has an area of weakness near the base of the thumb causing easy tearing of the seam. Watch this video for more on this issue and for how I fixed it:

A big area for improvement in my opinion is the lack of touch sensitive finger tips. One of the great advantage that the Onewheel has over the many other forms of mobility devices is the hands free control. By freeing up my hands I am able to eat, drink, record video, take pictures, and make phone calls all while on my Onewheel.

Unfortunately, these Flatland3D gloves lack touch sensitive fingertips. Don’t let the pictures or erroneous reviews fool you. The tips of the thumb, index, and middle fingers are different, but that is so eboarders are able to feel their hand control for their board with better sensitivity. The fingertips are NOT TOUCH SENSITIVE!

I reached out to Flatland|3D and this was what they said about the fingertips of these gloves:

Hey Jimmy,

Our main focus with the fingertips was keeping minimal interference between your thumb or fingers and your throttle wheel, dead man switch, trigger, etc. We were going for maximum control of your remote. We wanted them to work on touch screens, but using the remote was the highest priority. It’s a little cumbersome trying to use your phone with the gloves, so we don’t advertise them as touch screen enabled. But in testing, we found you could do most basic stuff, like answer a call or take a picture. Just don’t try typing out emails…

Hope that helps. Thanks!

The lack of good touchscreen control may not be a game changer for some, but I do hope that they improve upon this design in the next version of these gloves because taking off my gloves in near freezing weather every time I need to respond to a text gets to be quite cumbersome.

Finally, another question that was asked in my YouTube Community was this:

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The question as to whether these gloves will provide as much protection as high end wrist guards, I think that these gloves are trying to strike a balance between range of motion and protection.

My HillBilly wrist guards have that big plate which somewhat limits my ability to do things while wearing them. My snowboard wrist guards significantly limits my range of motion due to the rigid plates around the wrist (dorsal and volar).

I love trail riding. While these gloves are designed for electric skateboards that do not normally go off road with regularity, I did some research and found that Knox uses the same Scaphoid Protection System with all their motorcycling gloves, including their off-road gloves.

This does give me confidence that the system will provide protection to the wrist but I have not tested or experienced a real fall with these. If and when I do, I will be sure to report back.


There are a lot of things to love about these gloves. The safety features, durability, style and comfort exceed anything I’ve seen on the market in a full fingered glove that provides this level of wrist protection.

I hope the next version will have the Onewheel community in mind and have good touchscreen sensitive fingertips. At that point, those gloves will still be my go to cold weather gloves.

When the weather warms up, I am definitely going to get a pair of the Flatland|3D half finger gloves!

Check out their website for pricing and details at Flatland|3D

Here is my prior article on safety gear that I recommend.

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