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Why Onewheel Group Rides are Awesome!

by freshlycharged

What’s better than riding a Onewheel? Riding a Onewheel with a whole mob of people!

I recently experienced my first group ride with the Denver/Rocky Mountain Onewheel Mob Facebook Group and it was a blast. Group rides happen all over the world. Here is an example of a group ride in Berlin, German where about 200 people participated using their electric mobility devices.

Up until this point I had been a lone wolf rider ( or a lone coyote… watch my group ride video on my YouTube Channel and you’ll see what I mean) and the only other people I had rode with were my kids and a chance meeting with a random Onewheeler named Chris.

There are many benefits to riding alone. With busy family and work schedules, it is often difficult to get away and attend a group ride. Many of my rides happen when I have a spare moment here and there to jump on my Onewheel to cruise around. Here are some reasons I like riding solo:

  • Go at my own pace
  • Don’t have to worry about not being able to keep up
  • Go whenever I want
  • Alone time to collect my thoughts
  • Don’t have to embarrass myself because of my lack of skill

Some things in life are better when done in a group. For example, on this very day after this group ride I attended my son’s middle school basketball game. I grew up playing basketball and I remember spending hours shooting hoops on our driveway basket. The practice was essential but the real fun came when I played in games, either pick up basketball at a nearby park or in an organized league.

After cheering on my son at his basketball game, I then went directly to my daughter’s elementary school choir performance to support her. And as they finished their last song I snuck out to get to my oldest son’s band concert.

It was a busy afternoon and evening but I could see the joy that came to them when they not only got to do what they loved, be it a sport, singing, or an instrument, but the even greater satisfaction came because they were a part of something bigger and they got to share their talents with friends and family.

After my first group ride I am realizing that there are also many advantages to participating in these group rides. People that own Onewheels are unique and often times people just don’t understand us or our deep passion for the Onewheel.

People outside of the Onewheel community just don’t get it. They don’t get us. That is why it is so important for us to fellowship with one another, to build up our stoke. Here is a list of the advantages of group rides:

  • Meet new and interesting people with the same love for the Onewheel
  • Find and explore new routes and trails
  • Pick up new skills
  • Be supported in all things Onewheel
  • Be part of a growing community
  • It’s just really cool to see a group of people cruising on their Onewheels

If you have never been part of a group ride, I encourage you to do so. It is natural to just want to stay in our comfort zones and to not put ourselves out there because of fear of failure or rejection. It is normal for people to have feelings of inadequacy.

Step outside your comfort zone and find a group ride to join. You will meet new people and make new friends. You may be the least experienced or the slowest, but this isn’t middle school any more! We are adults and while I can’t speak for all the group rides out there, I can say that the Denver/Rocky Mountain Onewheel Mob Facebook Group invites riders of all levels.

If you are a novice rider, that is all the more reason to join a group ride. Our group ride of 10 Onewheelers had a mix of very seasoned riders with thousands of miles experience to fairly new riders like myself who have only been riding for a few months.

Group ride photo

I was very impressed by all the skilled and daring riders that joined us today. There is no better way to learn something new than to learn from others. While I probably won’t be doing any of the crazy stuff any time soon, I can say that it was a lot of fun to witness it and to cheer others on as they attempted to ride different obstacles.

Depending on where you live, finding a Onewheel Group may be easy or difficult. The best way to find a group near you is to look it up on Facebook. Many major cities have Onewheel groups that are very active on Facebook.

If there is no dedicated local Onewheel Facebook group near you, then consider joining the large Onewheel Owners Group on Facebook and finding some people in your area. It just takes two people to make it a group, so even consider starting your own local Onewheel group.

I am glad I had the chance to ride with the Denver/Rocky Mountain Onewheel Mob. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to going again in the future.

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