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Jimmy Chang

I’m Jimmy Chang and I love to ride personal electric vehicles (PEVs). My goal with the Freshly Charged website and YouTube channel is to test every PEV I can get my hands on and to share my thoughts with you so you can make an informed decision with your next PEV purchase.

Andrew and I have helped thousands decide the best Onewheel, Escooter, Ebike or EUC for their needs and I hope you can trust us to help you decide which PEV is best for you. PEVs are truly amazing so we hope you’ll join the electric movement with us!

EMOVE Cruiser Review – Is It Really Waterproof?

Andrew Nuntapreda

I’m Andrew and I love personal electric vehicles (PEVs). On top of loving electric ridable devices, I am a huge adrenaline junkie.

Since my first taste of an Onewheel, I have now dived into the PEV community and sought to find the ultimate electric transportation. I started with two Ninebot Maxes which led to purchasing a two Fluid Freeride Horizons, Turbowheel swift, a Kaabo Mantis Pro, and a Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11+.

I love the PEV community and sharing the stoke! One thing I have found by being involved in the PEV community is that there is a flavor for everyone.

There is no one size fits all and finding the best PEV depends on your personal needs. That’s why I love teaming up with Jimmy to help customers make an informed decision.

Our passion and love for PEVs led us to creating freshlycharged.com, we hope you enjoy!

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Nathan Schaumann

I’m Nathan, and I am an electric scooter junkie. My all-time favorite scooters are the Wolf King GT and the Rovoron Kullter, but I’m always on the lookout for any new scooter that can zip me and my wife around town faster than a car. I’ve been managing the Freshly Charged Website since 2023, and I love writing about all sorts of new exciting products in the PEV space. I am also a huge data nerd, and creating Freshly Charged’s comparison tools for Scooters, EUCs, E-Bikes and OneWheels has been a fun passion project that will hopefully help interested PEV buyers make informed decisions for years to come!

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Dalton Krell

I’m Dalton and I love to go FAST! More specifically I love to go fast on PEVs.

Much like Andrew, I have found a passion with the adrenaline that PEVs can bring. My goal is to push every PEV we test to its limits and help people decide if it’s the right choice for them. 

As the latest member of the Freshly Charged website and channel, I hope to create entertaining content while providing honest feedback about our results.

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Cameron Graves

I’m Cameron Graves and I love PEVs, especially electric longboards! I also love video production! I am a video editor on the Freshly Charged team, I hope to keep everyone entertained and informed through our videos.

Insta: @cameron.graves.video

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    We are Andrew and Jimmy, two guys who love personal electric vehicles, and we hope to share our experiences and reviews to help you find the best next PEV for your needs.

    Copyright © 2024 Freshly Charged.