WARNING: InMotion V12 Cut Out Defect Announcement

WARNING: InMotion V12 Cut Out Defect Announcement

by freshlycharged

Here is the announcement from InMotion:

Dear INMOTION V12 riders,

We’ve received a few V12 cut out cases recently, after deep investigation we
figure out the root cause is the MOSFET chips, that there’s a defect probability-
distribution in manufacturing. INMOTION plans to take actions to further im-
prove the reliability even though the failure rate is pretty low regarding to whole
sale volume of V12, as riders’ safety is always our top priority.

The current chip storage environment does not leave much in the way of alterna-
tive options at this moment. To get this issue solved, we have extensively tested
a free-spin process and the result proved that if it passes the spin test, the
wheel will be fine, but we Il continue to monitor.

What Should You Do?

Please stop riding the V12 and begin to perform this spin test as guided in the
video provided below. Please make sure to perform spin test at least 10 times.
If your vehicle is found to be affected, contact your dealer to arrange for a
repair at no cost.

What Will INMOTION Do?

INMOTION has worked with the retailers globally to correct the issue and
will offer a MOS replacement or repair service for free to customer impacted
by this cut out issue.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this matter caused to you and
urge you to schedule a self inspection as soon as possible. Thanks for your
support and understanding.


Jan 05, 2022

My Take

This is concerning news. The InMotion V12 is my daily ride and while I have not had any issues, I recommend all InMotion V12 riders perform this test and to always gear up whenever they ride.

The InMotion V12 was suppose to be a reliable and safe EUC, so I am deeply disappointed. However, I am somewhat reassured in the fact that the company InMotion has admitted that there is a problem and is making an attempt to rectify the issue.

While product defects and recalls are very inconvenient, I applaud InMotion for addressing the problem rather than ignoring it.

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