Aventon Soltera with Color Display and built in tail lights beautiful paint job

Aventon Soltera Ebike Review: An Affordable and Quality Commuter Ebike

by freshlycharged

The Soltera is the newest addition to the Aventon ebike line. Soltera in Spanish stands for single, so it makes sense why the Soltera is a single speed ebike. Jimmy and I were lucky enough to receive the Soltera before the January 4th release to test and review. As soon as we unboxed the Soltera and put it together, we could tell it was constructed much better than most ebikes we have reviewed in the past. In this review we will let you know what we love and hate about the Aventon Soltera. For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here. (price recently dropped to $1199!) For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

Aventon Soltera Black Onyx On Display

Top 10 things I love about the Aventon Soltera Ebike

  1. Color display
  2. Mobile App
  3. Simple single speed
  4. Seamless welds
  5. Beautiful paint job
  6. Great color options
  7. Lightweight
  8. Sturdy construction
  9. Integrated lights
  10. Throttle on top of peddle assist

What features does the color display on the Aventon Soltera offer?

Aventon used to use a black and white display that was used by many other ebike companies. When Aventon released the Aventure, they came out with their own color display that offers a lot of neat features. I was pleased to find the Soltera was outfitted with the same great color display found on the Aventure. Some features I like about the display is that it shows you calories burned, kilograms of CO2 emissions saved, and how many trees saved during your ride. It’s a fun way to track your ride progress. The display is easily controlled with the buttons on the left side of the handlebar.
Aventon Soltera Color App with App Connectivity

The Aventon Soltera mobile app

The color display on the Aventon Soltera is Bluetooth enabled, so you can connect your phone to the Soltera via an app. One of my favorite features of the app is that it gives you the opportunity to track your rides. The app stores your current and previous rides, giving details of your average speed, top speed, distance traveled, CO2 emissions saved, and calories burnt. You can also use the app to motivate you against other Aventon riders. There is a section in the app for cycling rank. The cycling rank will show you how you rank against other Aventon riders for the day, week, month, and total. There is a discover tab in the app that allows you to share pictures and post with other Aventon riders. The app even allows you to find local Aventon dealers for repairs. Aventon is looking to capitalize on the popularity of social bike competitive apps and programs such as Peloton and Strava.
Aventon Soltera Bluetooth App

How many gears does the Aventon Soltera have?

The Aventon Soltera comes in two models, a single speed and 7 speed version. Jimmy and I tested out the single speed version. I was not a big fan of the last single speed ebike we reviewed, the KBO Hurricane, so I was not expecting a lot from the Aventon Soltera. However, once I had a chance to test and review the Soltera….I was pleasantly surprised by the overall ride feel of the Aventon Soltera. I’m sure the 7 speed Soltera is nice but I love the simplicity of a single speed Soltera.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Chainring

The Aventon Soltera Ebike Has a Premium Feel and Construction

Jimmy and I have reviewed numerous ebikes, and most have terrible weld marks. Most ebikes have weld marks that are large and bulky, and simply painted over. Aventon grinds down their weld marks to make the frame look flawless. It is these fine details that really help Aventon stand out from their competitors.
Aventon Soltera Beautiful Weld Marks

A paint job to be proud of!

On top of having seamless weld marks, Aventon has mastered their paint jobs. The paint finish on the Aventon Soltera is absolutely stunning. I love how they use other colors of the Soltera bikes in their lineup to accent the bike.
Aventon Soltera with Color Display and built in tail lights beautiful paint job 1

How many colors is the Aventon Soltera offered in?

The Soltera is offered in six different colors, and it depends on the frame choice and gear choices. My wife loves the seafoam green color which is basically a fancy name for teal. Below are the color choices offered. Soltera standard frame:
  • Onyx Black – Single Speed & 7 Speed
  • Citrine – 7 Speed
  • Azure Blue – Single Speed
Aventon Soltera Standard Frame Color Choices 1
Soltera step-through frame:
  • Salmon Pink – Single Speed
  • Lilac Grey – 7 Speed
  • Seafoam Green – Single Speed & 7 Speed
Aventon Soltera Step Thru Color Choices 1

How much does the Aventon Soltera weigh?

The Aventon Soltera single speed weighs 41 pounds. The Aventon Soltera 7 speed weighs a few more pounds than the single speed, coming in at 43 pounds. They are both relatively light for ebikes, and can easily be carried up and down stairs or onto public transportation.

How sturdy is the Aventon Soltera?

Jimmy and I have found that quite a few ebikes rattle and shake when dropping off curbs. The Aventon Soltera is sturdy and makes very little noise when dropping it off curves. The overall construction of the Aventon Soltera is outstanding.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Large 700c 35c Kenda K193

Does the Aventon Soltera have brake lights?

The Aventon Soltera has the most amazing brake lights I have ever witnessed on an ebike. The Soltera has brake lights integrated into the frame, making them seamless and beautiful. When you have the lights on, the rear taillight is always on and gets brighter when braking. Aventon listened to feedback because a lot of people complained about the Aventure only having one brake light integrated into one side of the frame. The Soltera has two brake lights, one for each side of the frame.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Integrated Tail lights

Does the Aventon Soltera have a throttle?

Yes, the Aventon Soltera has a thumb throttle on the left. When Jimmy and I reviewed the KBO Hurricane, it was hard to get up hills since it was a single speed with no throttle option. The Aventon Soltera offers a throttle which helps out tremendously. When starting on a hill with a single speed ebike, it is hard to get it going. With the Aventon Soltera, you can help get yourself going on a hill by simply mashing down on the throttle. I love having the option to hit the throttle when I am too lazy to peddle.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Throttle and Display Control Buttons
For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here. For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.

Top 5 things I hate about the Aventon Soltera

  1. Smaller battery
  2. Easy to see smudges on frame
  3. No peddle assist memory when turning off and on
  4. Does not allow you to use throttle when in PAS 0
  5. Caliper brakes

How big is the battery on the Aventon Soltera?

The battery on the Aventon Soltera is a 36V 10Ah LG battery, totaling 360 watt hours. I wish the battery was bigger, but understand Aventon kept it smaller to help with the weight of the Soltera. I love that Aventon is conservative with their claimed range, and lists the ranges based on peddle assist levels.
Real World Testing Diagram Soltera
The battery is built into the bottom of the frame. I worry about batteries falling out when they are attached to the bottom. However, the Soltera has a key and an additional safety latch to hold the battery in place.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx LG Battery built into frame

Beautiful paint job that can be hard to keep clean

Jimmy and I received the Onyx Black version of the Aventon Soltera. The shiny black paint job is gorgeous, but you can easily see smudges in the sunlight. I do find black cars are hard to keep clean, so I would hope the other colors of the Soltera don’t show smudge marks as easy.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx with Smudge Marks all over

Does the Aventon Soltera remember what peddle assist level you were at when you turn it back on?

One obnoxious feature of the Aventon Soltera is that it will always reset back to 0 peddle assist when turning the ebike off and on. The display will remember your last trip distance, but it will not remember your peddle assist level. It is easy to turn up the speed settings, but I wish the bike would remember what pedal assist I last left the bike on.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Caliper Brakes and Front Tire

Does the Aventon Soltera allow you to use the throttle in PAS 0?

No, you cannot use the throttle when on Peddle Assist mode 0. I hate when ebikes don’t allow you to use the throttle when in peddle assist mode 0. Sometimes I like to manually peddle an ebike and only use the throttle when completely stopped or riding up hills. The Aventon Soltera does not allow you to use throttle only when in PAS 0. I am always confused why some ebikes allow you to throttle in PAS 0 and some ebikes do not.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Kick Stand with Hub Motor

What type of brakes are on the Aventon Soltera?

The Aventon Soltera features caliper brakes. I prefer mechanical or hydraulic disc brakes over caliper brakes. Caliper brakes stop fine, but disc brakes feel much better and are safer in wet conditions. The brake choice is my biggest gripe with the Aventon Soltera. For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here. For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Caliper Brakes

Who is the Aventon Soltera perfect for?

The Aventon Soltera is the perfect ebike for someone who wants to get into ebikes, but wants a tradtional road bike feeling. The Aventon Soltera is nimble and would be great for high pedestrian and traffic areas. The Soltera is light enough to carry up stairs and into public transportation. The Aventon Soltera is a gorgeous ebike and perfect for those who want something aesthetically pleasing. If you are all about having the latest tech, the Aventon Soltera’s app is by far the most premium app we have seen for an ebike. If you want a simple refined ebike, you should definitely keep the Aventon Soltera in mind.
Aventon Soltera Black Onyx Is the Perfect Commuter Ebike

Aventon Soltera Discount Codes, Coupon Codes, and Pricing

For current pricing on the Aventon Soltera, click here. For current pricing on the Step Through Aventon Soltera, click here. Click here to view all our coupons and discounts on scooters and other PEVs. Click here to view all the safety gear that Jimmy and I use. Facebook – Please join our eBikepedia Facebook group for the most up-to-date information. Interested in electric scooters, check out our gotscooter blog. Click here to check out all our coupon codes for other PEVs.

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