Who will love this:
I believe there are 3 types of people that will love the Gotway Mten3:
- Seasoned riders who already own several wheels but are looking to add another wheel to their fleet that adds a new dimension that other wheels cannot offer. You will love it for its super zippy and maneuverable feel. It may not be the fastest or go the farthest and it certainly doesn’t have suspension but it may just be the funnest wheel around for the price!
- People looking to get into the hobby of electric unicycles but not willing to spend a ton of money will find that the Mten3 is very affordable and there are successful reports in the community of folks learning how to ride on an Mten3 as their first wheel and absolutely loving it.
- Kids will love this. Both my daughters rave about this wheel. They love the feel and how it handles and they especially love being able to carry it in and out of the house on their own. They are already asking if they can ride it to school now and the Onewheel Pint pretty much never gets used any more.

What I think:
Onewheel got me interested in electric unicycles so I’m going to compare this EUC to what I know and am most familiar with: the Onewheel.
The Gotway Mten 3 could be considered the Onewheel Pint of the EUC world because they both have the same diameter wheel at 10 inches. The Mten3 is also small and portable weighing a little less than the Onewheel Pint at 22 lbs which will make it easier for riders like my grade school aged daughter to lift up stairs and to carry around.
The Gotway Mten3’s 800 W Motor is more powerful than the 750 W motors found in both the Pint and the Onewheel XR.

The Mten3 comes in different battery sizes. I got the smallest battery at 325 Wh which is still bigger than the batteries found on the Onewheel XR and the Onewheel Pint.
This least expensive version of the MTen3, $300 less than the Onewheel Pint and $1150 less than the Onewheel XR. Because the Mten3 comes in several flavors, differing in battery size and speed, choosing which flavor may be difficult. Since I was getting this for my daughter, I just chose the least expensive version. The eWheels website does a good job explaining the differences between the different models. Check out the Mten info here.

I really do enjoy riding this wheel. I’ve taken the Mten3 on smooth paved roads as well as dirt paths and grass. It’s very zippy and maneuverable.
The cut off button is positioned on the front left side of the device near the base of the handle. This is different from my other EUCs which has the cutoff switch on the handle, thus turning off the wheel when lifting it up.
With the Gotway Mten3 you need to physically push and hold the button with your thumb when lifting. This will prevent the wheel from embarrassingly free spinning and potentially ruining your carpet or hardwood floors.
This button is great if you are lifting it with your right hand but it’s very inconvenient if you have, say a box of donuts in your right hand and only your left hand to pick up the wheel.

The flaws:
The cutoff button positioning can be inconvenient at times. Since I’m accustomed to having the cutoff switch integrated with the handle, there have been a couple of times where I have forgotten to push the button before lifting the Gotway Mten3 resulting in a free spin.
Being so small, the Mten3 does not have any speakers or a trolly handle although a trolly handle can be purchased and installed separately.
If you are brand new to EUCs, please understand that learning how to ride these devices takes a fairly hefty dose of commitment and desire. It is not something you just hop on and ride.
Even though this wheel is small, don’t mistake yourself into thinking that you’ll be able to ride it right away without any experience. Check out my first time learning how to ride an EUC.
If you are interested in buying the Mten3, check out details and current pricing at Ewheels.com.
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