Who will love this:
People who know they should wear safety gear like elbow pads and shoulder pads when they ride but they don’t because, like me, they are lazy and disorganized. This armored jacket by Lazyrolling is for anyone who is looking for a stylish jacket that is comfortable and offers good upper body protection.
For a limited time, my readers and YouTube audience can enjoy the following discount:
Lazyrolling Armored Hoodie
COVERS: $20 OFF – the following products:
What I think:
It’s human nature to try to get the most out of doing the least. We want the most protection when we ride, but we try to do the minimal amount of work necessary and oftentimes safety gear gets left in the closet or car trunk, unused and neglected.
I am a huge advocate of rider safety. When I ride my EUCs, Onewheels, and eskate, I always make sure to wear a minimum of helmet and hand protection.
While I own elbow guards, I almost never wear them because if they have not been misplaced or forgotten, oftentimes, I’m just too lazy to go through all the trouble of putting on my elbow guards and knee guards.
That’s why I absolutely love this armored hoodie by Lazyrolling. It combines a high level of upper body protection with minimal effort.
Instead of having to worry about multiple pieces like shoulder pads, elbow pads, and back protection, the Lazyrolling has it together all in one piece for unsurpassed convenience and excellent protection.
The Lazyrolling hoodie by itself is a very nice hoodie, one of the nicest I’ve ever owned. The material is thick, the hoodie is heavy, and even with the armor installed the hoodie is still quite comfortable.
In addition to comfort and protection, the Lazyrolling hoodie just looks good too. Lazyrolling has made comfortable and protective safety gear that is stylish and functional. I’ve joked about it in past YouTube videos and my kids poke fun when we go on rides, but the hoodie does make it look like I work out, and I kind of dig that.
Ultimately, the best safety gear is the safety gear that you will consistently wear. It doesn’t matter how great or highly rated a helmet or a set of wrist guards or elbow guards are if you never wear them on rides.
If you are interested in my favorite safety gear, check this out.

The likelihood that you actually wear safety gear exponentially increases when the gear is comfortable, stylish, and convenient.
Jimmy Chang
I can confidently say that this is a piece of safety gear that I will ride with. It adds extra protection in the form of elbow pads, shoulder pads, and a back pad that I sorely need to wear but usually do not because of laziness.
The zipper pockets in a hoodie are great for keeping keys and phones in the pocket, especially for riders who fall.
Thumb holes are also great to help keep the sleeves from riding up and to keep the armor where they are supposed to be although I never had any issues with the armor shifting out of place when not using the thumb holes.

Installing and removing the pads is a lot harder than you’d imagine. The opening to insert the pads into their mesh pockets is small and you need to roll up the pads in order to fit them into the opening. With a little practice, it is no big deal but your first time can be a little frustrating.
If you’ve read this far, then you are seriously considering this hoodie. I can’t emphasize enough how important safety gear is, but you already know that because of your interest in this product. Safety gear when you ride is like a seat belt when you drive. It adds a little work and may be a little restrictive, but when you need it, you are sure glad you have it on.
This Lazyrolling hoodie gives me more protection than I ever ride with on my upperbody and it feels comfortable, looks great, and is easy to put on. All wins.

The flaws:
This armored hoodie is great but it can get hot in warmer weather. There are vents that you can open and close near the armpits to help with airflow during a ride, but even still, I found myself sweating if the weather was much warmer than 75 degrees.
The high price of the Lazyrolling hoodie may put some people off but if you think about all the protection you are getting, the price is fair. The hoodie is a lot cheaper than a trip to the emergency room or the time lost from work because of an elbow or clavicle fracture, that’s for sure.
Because I love a good deal, I got you a small discount for a limited time.
For a limited time, my readers and YouTube audience can enjoy the following discount:
Lazyrolling Armored Hoodie
COVERS: $20 OFF – the following products:
The other weakness I found were the zippers. I loved the zipper pockets which keeps me from losing things like my keys and phone, especially when riding hard. However, the zippers on my jacket were sometimes difficult to open or close.
I spoke to the folks at Lazyrolling about this and I was instructed to rub some candle wax to lubricate the zipper. Since my birthday recently passed and I’m so old that we used up all the candles in the neighborhood for my cake, I found online that you could use a bar of soap to lubricate a stubborn zipper. That seemed to do the trick and I have not had an issue since.
Another “flaw” with the zipper comes from Lazyrolling’s European roots. As a European based startup, Lazyrolling uses the EU standard for zippers which is reversed from what Americans are familiar with. This is not a big deal. Just as Europeans drive on the left hand side, I guess they are also fans of keeping their zippers on the left.

The final flaw of this Lazyrolling Armored Hoodie is the difficulty at which it is to install the armor. The mesh pockets to hold the armor are well constructed however the armor is not something you want to install and remove with frequency. It is a pain to put them in and the only times I will ever be removing the pads is when I wash the hoodie.
Here is a list of my favorite safety gear.
I am an affiliate with Lazyrolling and a small portion of each sale will go towards maintaining this website and my YouTube channel so I can continue to bring quality content to good folks like you.