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The Best Robot Lawn Mower for Large & Complex Yards: Luba 2 AWD Review

by Nathan Schaumann

The Mammotion Luba 2 is an all-wheel drive autonomous lawn mower designed to make lawn maintenance easier and more efficient, and tackle even the gnarliest terrain. From its powerful AWD system to its intuitive controls, we’ll cover everything you need to know before making a purchase in this comprehensive review.

Read our review of the Segway Navimow robot lawn mower here.

Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in the US:
Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in Germany:
Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in the UK:

Mammotion Luba 2 – Specs/Features

  • Weight: 40 lbs
  • Proximity sensor
  • Computer-assisted vision
  • Onboard GPS RTK
  • No perimeter wire
  • Phone-app with remote control

Setting Up & Using The Luba 2

In order to set up the Luba 2, you first need to identify a place in the yard with an unobstructed view of the sky, to set up the charging station and antenna. This will connect the Luba 2 system to satellite GPS in order to track its location while mowing.

The second step involves remote-controlling the Luba 2 around the perimeter of the yard in order to set the boundaries inside of which the Luba will be mowing.

Once the boundaries have been set, the Luba will mow completely autonomously, stopping to charge whenever the battery hits 15%. A large yard can take up to 5-6 charges to completely finish.

Things We Love

Aesthetics: The Luba 2 definitely looks sleeker and more elegant than any of the other robotic lawn mowers. It looks almost like a race car, rather than a robot.

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AWD System: The Luba 2 can handle pretty much any type of terrain, and we really put it to the test. It made it over tall grass, dirt mounds, and even rocky terrain.

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Hill Climbing: We’re used to testing electric scooters and electric unicycles on steep hills, but it turns out you can put robotic lawn mowers through the same test. The Luba 2 made it up a wooden slope of 39°!

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Noise: The Luba 2 is not very noisy at all – standing 4 feet away you can hear a low hum while it cuts the grass. Nothing like the loud gas engines of riding lawnmowers that this is replacing. You could even have a comfortable phone conversation standing right next to this mower.

Automatic Charging: Whenever the Luba 2 hits 15% battery, it automatically heads back to the charging station, sits there until it reaches 80%, then resumes mowing. Anyone who has frequently charged batteries knows that 20-80% is the quickest stage of charging. Charging from 80% to 100% typically takes just as long as charging from 20% to 80%, so the Luba 2 is calibrated perfectly to allow for the maximum mowing time, minimum charging time.

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FPV: The Luba 2 allows you to go into the app, and see what the Luba 2 itself is seeing using its onboard cameras. This is an awesome feature that lets you keep an eye on the Luba 2 even when you are out of the state or country. You can also remote control the Luba 2 using the app. However, this feature is only available using Bluetooth, but not wifi or data.

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App: The app contains tuns of features that are all useful in customizing the mowing experience. For example, you can adjust the day / time of day that the Luba will mow, the cutting height, the path spacing, the cutting pattern (zigzag, etc), how close it will come to an obstacle before going around it, and many more options.

mammotion luba 2

Things We Don’t Love

Website Loading: This might be just a temporary bug, but the Mammotion website is very slow and laggy. Hopefully this gets fixed by the time you try to buy one!

Misleading Model Pricing: If you head to the Mammotion website, you will notice a chart comparing the 4 different configurations of the Luba. Intuitively you might think that because the 10,000 version has a max mowing size over 3 times larger than the 3000 version, the battery would correspondingly be 3x the size. However, this is not the case. In fact, the top 3 spec versions of the Luba all share the exact same battery size, the only difference being the onboard memory hardware, enabling the 10000 to remember larger areas of yard/obstacles.

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Frequent Updating: When we set up our Luba, we had to a large amount of time updating the app and the onboard software. We wish that the Luba would come updated already out of the box, providing for a more streamlined setup experience.

Light: My Segway Navimow has a light, but the Luba does not. The Segway’s light allows it to see better at night, and detect obstacles with greater accuracy. It also means it is easier to see the mower if you are walking outside at night, and there is less chance that you will step on or trip over it. We’d like to see a light on future iterations of the Luba.

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The Freshly Charged Take

If you’re the type of person who could be doing something more fun or more important than mowing your lawn, then the Luba 2 may be for you. Especially if you have a yard with complex terrain with really steep slopes. If you have a relatively simple yard that is flat, then the Segway Navimow might be better for your needs.

Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in the US:
Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in Germany:
Current pricing of the Mammotion LUBA 2 in the UK:

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