The Onewheel was my gateway drug into the world of personal electric mobility devices. After my first Onewheel, I purchased two more and then I got an electric unicycle, the King Song 16S. I love them all.
I always frowned at electric skateboards because of the need of a hand control which I considered cumbersome. Also, having no board background other than the Onewheel, I had no history with skateboards or longboards to draw me into the world of esk8.
Famous YouTuber, Casey Neistat put Boosted Board on the map as he zipped around New York City filming his ultra popular vlogs. Since then, Boosted has become synonymous with electric skateboards to the general public.
I considered getting a Boosted Board for a time, but I never got around to it. Then the folks at Exway contacted me and asked if I would ride, review, and talk about their board. I did some research on the Exway before committing and found that it was very well received. So Exway sent me a board, with no commitment from me for a positive review, and with no affiliation or payment.
The Exway X1 Pro has opened up a whole new world of personal electric mobility devices to me. I once poo pooed the idea of electric skateboards, but after having ridden my first electric skateboard, the Exway X1 Pro, I can see why people love these things.
There’s something written on the DNA of those carrying Y chromosomes that makes us yearn for speed and to assume a sideways stance while doing so.
The Onewheel gives you that floaty feeling while standing sideways on your board, but speed is not its strength. The Exway X1 Pro however, is a speed demon if you are coming from a Onewheel background.

I am by no means an expert on electric skateboards. The Exway is my first experience. But I do know personal electric mobility devices and I do know quality when I see it. The Exway X1 Pro is solid, sleek, and sexy- all for a very affordable price. So far I am having a blast and would love to try out the upgrade attachment called, “The Riot Belt Drive Kit” in the future.
With the Riot Belt Drive upgrade that you can buy down the road when you feel you have mastered the hub motor system. The Exway X1 Pro grows with you. You can experience what it feels like to ride a belt driven motor with their easy swapping system and feel the increased torque and power that comes with the belt motor system.
The Exway has shown me that there is a lot of fun to be had on electric skateboards. Yes, I need to operate a hand held remote while I ride and I have to stick to paved roads and sidewalks. Yes, the board is not as nimble as the Onewheel or Electric Unicycle, however, if you have a history with skateboards, like to go fast, carve, stand sideways, and go the distance, the electric skateboard is for you.
Here are my thoughts on the Exway X1 Pro, my first (and definitely not my last) electric skateboard as I continue deeper into the world of personal electric mobility devices.
Where the Exway X1 Pro shines:
- The acceleration, speed, and hill climbing abilities impressed me. With no fear of nosediving, I can tackle hills like a beast compared to my Onewheel! 29 mph top speed!!!!
- The UP TO 16 miles range seems adequate, but I do like the fact that I can ride it even if I run out of batteries. The hub motors cause very little resistance when riding with a dead battery or with the motor off. You cannot do this with belt driven motors like those on the Boosted Boards.
- The looks. The sleek and minimalist design reminds me of Apple products or the Tesla Model 3. The electrical components are tucked away into a simple, yet beautiful looking board.
- The potential to convert the board to belt driven motors. With what Exway calls the “Riot Kit” you can easily swap out the hub motors for a belt driven system to experience the added power that comes with it. I would love to try that out in the future once I get a little bit more experience with the hub motors.
Where this board falls short:
- Range. From my research, the range is overestimated. In perfect riding conditions with a light rider and conservative riding style you may be able to get 16 miles of range. But in real world conditions people are reporting more around 9 to 10 miles range. It all depends on your weight, riding style, and the terrain.
- The stiffness of the board. To protect all the batteries inside the board the body of the board had to be stiff. If you like a flexible board, this is not for you. Being that this was my first Electric skateboard, I don’t know any better at this point and I like the feel.
- Charge time: 2 hours and 45 min. Plan for it. Consider getting the optional fast charger which will charge the board in 70 minutes.
I think this is a fantastic board and would not hesitate to recommend this to friends and family. My son actually prefers it to the Onewheel because we live at the bottom of a hill and he loves tearing uphill. For more details, check out the specs and current pricing for the Exway X1 Pro.
I will be updating this review as I get more experience.