The Onewheel inspires us to go out and explore. And when we are not on our Onewheels we create art, photos, and videos to help keep the stoke alive till the next time we can ride.
I will have an ongoing compilation of my favorite Onewheel art pieces. Please enjoy and if you plan on using any of these images for a personal project, please contact the original artist for permission to do so.
Now that it is summer time, my daughter who just completed the 6th grade has been doing a lot of reading, lounging and Netflix binging. In an effort to get her to do something creative, I told her I would pay her $10 for every Onewheel image she made me.
An hour later, she showed me 3 movie posters she had played with and I owed her $30. Here’s my favorite, Spiderman Onewheel:

The picture below is by 19th-century Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh with some edits by my talented daughter who also happens to be the same person who edits my blog posts and my YouTube videos.

The artwork below is another piece made by my daughter in her 6th grade digital arts class using the famous piece by Georges-Pierre Seurat, a French post-Impressionist artist. Seurat is best known for devising the painting techniques known as chromoluminarism and pointillism.
The Seurat original is called “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte” while my daughter calls the piece that she added to “A Sunday on the Onewheel.” Can you find the Onewheel?

This next piece is made by Ken Hendsbee. Ken was nice enough to make the header art for my blog and for my YouTube channel. I love how Ken visually incorporated “Love” into the Onewheel.

I will be adding to this collection. If you have some art that you would like me to feature, let me know about it via my Instagram or through my blog contact from.