Race for the Rail 2020 Onewheel teams

Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020 Big Upset!

by freshlycharged

Who won Race for the Rail 2020?

The winner of the the 2020 Race for the Rail is Wild Card Racer Brenden @floaty_mcfly who overcame the odds to win this year’s Onewheel competition.

Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020 Winner

Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020:

  • Draft to make 2 Onewheel teams: Team Skyline and Delirium
  • 3 separate Team Onewheel challenges
  • Challenges unknown to contestants
  • Big race on Sunday
  • Wild Card Racer Brenden @floaty_mcfly for winning it all!

The riders split into two teams and went head-to-head in 3 Team Challenges, each worth $3,000.

Team Captains were selected and lead the first ever Onewheel Race for the Rail Draft.

The squads faced off in challenges on the Mountain.

Team Skyline

  • Amanda Thompson
  • Bodhi Harrison
  • Orie Rush
  • Angel Cooper
  • Wren Weichman
  • Dave Stewart

Team Delerium

  • Raquel McCosker
  • Jeff McCosker
  • Dom Williams
  • Zoe Thomas
  • Brenden Suremeyer
  • Jamie Jucther
Race for the Rail 2020 Onewheel trophy
This year’s Trophy

For the past 5 years Future Motion, the makers of the Onewheel, have been holding a Onewheel festival/gathering/competition “to find the World’s Greatest Onewheel Rider.”

Because of COVID-19, this year’s race consisted of the best riders being selected and invited by Future Motion to compete. Three open spots were left for the general public to submit via Instagram as part of a Social Media contest.

Here are the contenders for the Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020:

Race for the Rail 2020 Racers Onewheel

Here are the official rules to enter for a 2020 Race for the Rail Wild Card spot which is now closed:

What is the Race for the Rail?

Like all great races, the Onewheel Race for the Rail started with a couple friends, a hankering for speed, and the deep-seated desire to find the World’s Greatest Onewheel Rider! This year’s race looks a bit different than the past five years due to COVID – 19. Seven of the world’s top Onewheel riders have been inhibited and three spots, our Wild Cards, have been left open to be voted in by the Onewheel community.

All ten riders will compete in the most competitive and prestigious, live-streamed event, which will certainly have some unexpected twists and turns. If this is your first Race for the Rail, you can check out the recap from 2019’s event here. 

How do I win a bid?

We invited scene riders based off of last year’s performance at both Race for the Rail and Float Life Fest. However, we have left three Wild Card spots open to the general public. To be eligible for one of the Wild Card spots, you need to do the following by midnight on July 12th:

  1. Post a video to you Instagram feed displaying you speed, tricks and overall Onewheel abilities as well as a short pitch on why you deserve a spot
  2. Tag Onewheel and hashtag #RFTR2020 and #RacefortheRail

Will there be a separate women’s Race for the Rail?

Nope! The ten riders are men and women of all ages.

How will I know if I’m invited?

You will receive a golden ticket via snail mail if have been invited to 2020’s Race for the Rail 

Where is Race for the Rail hosted?

The location is TOP SECRET, but we can tell you it is in Utah…or is it? Even the racers don’t know the location yet so don’t waste your time trying to bribe them 🙂

Can I come watch the races?

Unfortunately, not. To abide by COVID-19 restrictions and to limit the risk to our racers, we cannot have any spectators physically at the event. 

How will I be able to watch the races?

You can live steam the races on Youtube Live on Sunday, August 16th.

Is there a chance that Race for the Rail will be cancelled due to COVID-19?

Yes, we cannot predict what is going to happen so there is still a chance all races could be cancelled. We will keep you as informed as possible as we navigate these uncertain times.

Is there a prize for the winner of Race for the Rail?

Of course! We are shaking things up this year so stay tuned for more details. 

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