Who will love this:
The Begode RS electric unicycle is an obvious upgrade for anybody looking to swap out their old Begode MSX/MSP or any rider looking for a well rounded EUC that can handle just about anything you throw at it.
Please note that the pedal height is lower on the RS compared to previous iterations. Some riders may find this unacceptable. See “pedal section” below.
The following guest review is by Law Laxina, a very knowledgeable and experienced EUC rider who has taught me a lot about EUCs and how to ride them. Skip down to the bottom of this article to learn more about Law.
Begode RS19 Speed Pros
- Same if not higher top speed than the MSP speed version while having more torque allowing for you to climb more hills without worry about cutting out.
- Gorgeous strip LEDs for better visibility when riding.
- 2600w motor for the speed version. Definitely less scary on hills than the 2000w of the previous EUCs to compare it to.
- Hollow bore motor gives you a smoother ride and the pedal hangers are looking to be more robust.
- No beeps at 40+mph. Not a speed for most riders, but you can push it to that limit without beeps warning you to slow down.
- Bright headlight do the job but may blind some people in the process.
- The 18×3 wheel is a great. It is stable at high speeds while still feeling maneuverable.
Begode RS19 Speed Cons
- The pedal height is lower than on past models resulting in less clearance and the potential for more pedal scraping while riding.
- Same garbage trolley handle positioning as the MSP and MSX. Having a trolley handle is better than nothing, but the terrible positioning so far back in the wheel makes it a chore to use.
- Chunkier shell body which may be less comfortable for some riders.
- Still has pedal dip. Not a deal breaker and may not even be noticeable for most riders, but it’s there.
- Headlights that will blind oncoming pedestrians and cyclists.
- Cst tire is good for going straight. It’s not so great for hard carving.
- Fender pops off easily.

What I think:
I’ve had the Begode RS electric unicycle for 3 weeks now and I’ve already put 250 miles on the wheel at the time of writing this review. I can say with confidence that the Begode RS EUC has definitely become one of my favorite wheels of all time!
There have been many quality of life changes that have been made to improve this 18×3″ racing and hill climbing specialist.
Without looking at the EUC closely, you would just assume the Begode RS is simply another Begode Msuper X or Msuper Pro edition but you would be wrong.
The Begode RS does not represent just another small step forward in a long line of Begode EUC progress, the Begode RS is a leap forward.
The Begode RS now features the new hollow bore motor that gives you a ride smoother than any other wheel in the current market. The only other electric unicycle comparable to the smooth ride of an RS at the moment is the InMotion V11 with its 2200w motor.

What’s the big deal with a hollow bore motor?
With the traditional axle motor, the small bore of the motor axle limited wire gauge and thus power delivery. Increasing the bore size to accommodate bigger wires resulted in axle weakness.
A hollow bore motor is a special class of electric motor where the center portion of the motor is essentially a large hole to pass cables, hoses and even pipes through without difficulty.
With a hollow bore motor design, the wire gauge and power delivery no longer has to be limited by the size of the axle.

The Begode RS Speed vs Torque Models
The Begode RS comes in two flavors: a speed model which I am currently riding and a torque version which I hope to get my hands on soon. Both the speed and torque versions have the new 2600w hollow bore motor.
As the names of the two versions would infer, the Speed version gives you a higher maximum speed (40 mph) with less torque while the Torque version gives you more torque but a lower maximum speed (35 mph).
Should I get the Begode RS Torque model?
In general, if you like going off road and going up steep hills and don’t mind a top speed of 35 mph, go with the Torque version.
Should I get the Begode RS Speed model?
The Speed version is for the street racer who hates not being in first place. With an advertised top speed of 40 mph, it won’t be the fastest EUC ever made, but it is still plenty fast.

The Speed
The RS speed version lift test that I performed the other day resulted in a whopping 61.9 mph cutout speed.
Many riders have concluded that the Begode RS speed should be able to handle a rider going 45mph. I personally have taken the wheel up to 43mph without any beeping and I am sure it can handle more. Riding at high speeds is dangerous and you do so at your own risk.
With the 100w upgrade from the MSP, we can guarantee that the RS Torque version will be flying up steep hills. As far as the top speed of the RS torque model, I will confirm this when the first RS arrives in the states.
The Begode RS speed version’s acceleration is better than both the MSX 100v and the MSP speed. It is only a little slower than the MSP torque.
The braking speed/distance is definitely better on the MSP torque, but it’s still proving to be better than the other Msuper wheels.
The Begode RS still has some pedal dip. While not nearly as much as the Veteran Sherman or the MSX 100v, it still dips. The MSP torque made me happier while turning at speed because it didn’t hold you have from holding the same amount of speed on turns.
The Lights
The Begode RS has a gorgeous new strip light on both the front and rear of the EUC. The light patterns are identical to the MSP and MSX, but the full bar light has a much higher visibility and flowing display of color that is unmatched by any other current wheels.

The headlights look to be the same as the MSP with its dual headlight. It is promoted to be 6000 lumens as opposed to the previous 3000 lumens of the MSP. I do wish that the RS had an adjustable shroud that could limit the amount of light shining onto oncoming pedestrians and vehicles, but that can be solved via various DIY options.
The Fender
As far as fenders go, Begode no longer asks you to drill your own holes into the inner shell to apply the allotted fender to your unicycle. There are now two small grooves on the right and left sides of the inner shell for the new style of fender to simply be squeezed and inserted.

There is a downfall to this method though. The newly revised fender style can easily be removed and knocked off by your leg, a branch, or anything that may bump into the rear of your wheel.

The Pedals
Trail riders will not like the lower pedal height on the Begode RS. The footrest height is lower than advertised. Because of the lower height there is reduced clearance which increases the likelihood of pedal scraping and pedal clipping.
Keep in mind that this RS is the “Speed” version. Begode decided that it would be safer for riders to go 40+mph with a lower pedal height. The lower height increases stability, but in that exchange, riders are stuck being less capable of carving deep.
Some are worried about the lower pedal height also appearing on the torque version which would impede on offroad riding and maneuvering around rocks and obstacles.
I personally wish for Begode to bring the pedal height higher for the torque version and retain the same amount of clearance that existed with the previous MSP and MSX wheels.

If you don’t ride technical trails, the reduced pedal height won’t be an issue. If you do ride technical trails, this change may be unacceptable for you on the RS Speed version.
Many people will find the new larger sized pedals of the Begode RS way more comfortable to stand on. While very similar to the original MSX and MSP pedals, the new revision is 1 cm wider and longer across each edge.
I personally swapped back to the original pedals of the MSP because I like the lower likelihood of clipping rocks and smaller obstacles, but I’m sure others will appreciate the reduced amount of foot cramps that would often occur with the older pedal style after standing on them for long periods of time.

The Shell/Body
The Begode RS body is going to be almost an inch wider than the MSP and will be noticable for those that are upgrading from previous platforms. The increased girth is to accommodate the new hollow motor and new style of pedal hangers.
Like every other EUC on the market, the Begode RS needs power pads and brake pads on the exterior of their EUC. Companies need to start making that standard.
The new pedal hangers are a theoretical godsend for all the jumpers and trick riders out there. Rather than the pedal hangers sitting on a small threaded tube of an axle, the Begode RS provides 4 points for the new pedal hangers to connect to. That can allow for heavier blows from landing and reduce the amount of damage from repeated impact overtime to the wheel.
The Tire
The CST tire is still there, as in previous models. It’s great for riding in a straight line, but the tire becomes floaty on turns which is not great for hard carving and turns.
Offroad the motor and power feel great. The tire is manageable.

The Trolley Handle and Seat
The trolley handle on the wheel is almost the same as in previous models. The only difference is the trolley handle is a little more comfortable with it being rounded off at the front edge so it feels nicer to pull up.
The Begode RS still has the same seat as the MSX. If you like that seat and already have one on hand, then you’re in luck!

Get it if you’re looking for something more powerful and stable than the Kingsong 16X or the Begode Nikola Plus.
The reasons not to get the Begode RS:
- You ride technical trails and the decreased pedal height is unacceptable to you
- You have an MSX 100v
- You just need top speed
- You don’t ride too many hills
- You don’t care for the extra amenities like the improved lights and upgraded pedals
Get the torque version if you realistically do not ride more than 35mph consistently. You’ll enjoy the extra torque.
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Why you should trust me (Law Laxina)?
My name is Law Laxina and I hope you have found my review of the Begode RS helpful. I’ve been riding EUCs since June 2019. While I’ve only been riding for a short period of time, I have a lot of miles under my belt and I’ve tried many EUCs.
I currently own the following wheels:
- Solowheel extreme
- Begode MSP torque
- Begode RS speed
- Begode RS torque (on tuesday heheh)
- Begode Monster 100v
- Inmotion v10f
- Inmotion v11(sometime in october)
- Kingsong 16x
- Hiboy A5 (fastest and strongest wheel on the market)
I’m one of the leading riders in Las Vegas EUC and I love meeting new riders and growing the sport in our area.
As you can see, I’m an experienced rider. You may recognize me from the Inmotion V11 launch video or the quality video from Jimmy Chang aka the Jump Champ.
If you enjoyed this, check out our other EUC reviews here!
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