If anyone knows Onewheels, it’s got to be Jeff McCosker. Jeff is the founder of The Float Life, a company that specializes in innovative Onewheel accessories, and he is an amazing Onewheel rider. He is a total Onewheel Pro.
I asked Jeff if I could share his review of the Pint. Here are Jeff’s own words:
I’ll come right out and say it. When I first stepped on the Pint, I instantly disliked it. The ultra aggressive pushback at 15mph, half the range of the XR, slow charge time, tiny little flat footpads, the list went on for reasons I found to complain.
As a die hard XR lover, I instantly felt this was a big ol’ downgrade and figured I would probably never even ride the Pint after the newness wore off.
However, after I changed my perspective on the Pint, I’m liking it more and more each time I step on it. I was so used to riding my XR that when I first stepped on the Pint it felt squirly and restrained. Although after I started thinking back to the first time I stepped on an XR coming off the Plus and I didn’t like the XR then either.
Yet, given time, FM came out with Andromeda firmware and I fell in love with the XR and never looked back. I have faith that FM will do the same with the Pint and continue to improve it by updating firmware and adding ride modes.
All in all, FM crushed it with the Pint! For $950, it’s a straight up no-brainer to add one or two to your quiver. I fully endorse the Pint as a perfect fun entry level board for anyone who can scrounge up $950.
Jeff McCosker
I’ve also changed the way I ride in order to enjoy the Pint to the fullest. Instead of smashing 22+mph in the bike lane all over town, I’ve started cruising the sidewalks at <15mph and carving up fun little jibs, hits, and bumps. It’s definitely a change of mind state, but I’m really starting to have fun on this little rocket!
A great way to view the Pint vs. the XR is comparing it to snowboarding. They are basically two different types of snowboards.
The XR is like a 165cm, cambered, sharp edge, stiff, free ride all-mountain slayer that you could take to Alaska and crush any peak.
Whereas the Pint is like a 149cm, reverse camber, flexy, rail slayer that lives in the park and is the perfect choice for slushy spring rail sessions.
Both are awesome boards, but they are meant to two different styles of riding. Once I started thinking about the Pint like this, I instantly started falling in love with it.
All in all, FM crushed it with the Pint! For $950, it’s a straight up no-brainer to add one or two to your quiver. I fully endorse the Pint as a perfect fun entry level board for anyone who can scrounge up $950. Shout out to FM’s engineering team for knocking this one out of the park and I’m excited to see what you guys have in store for your next project (COME ON PINT XR!!!)
Float on, my friends 🙂

If you want to learn more about Jeff and his company, check out this Podcast interview.