Is the Onewheel Ghosting Problem Real or Overblown?

by freshlycharged

What is Onewheel Ghosting? Ghosting is when a Onewheel fails to deactivate and continues to self balance and power forward despite the rider having dismounted the board.

The Onewheel system does not recognize that the rider is no longer on the board and will continue forward, sometimes at max speed over 20 miles an hour until it runs in to something or falls on to its side.

Onewheel ghosting is one of my worst fears. A 30 pound missile could destroy property, injure a pedestrian, or run into traffic.

Never have we seen so many complaints about Onewheel ghosting with any other model release than with the new Onewheel GT.

While some say it is an isolated problem with a few boards, how many Onewheel ghosts per mile ridden is acceptable? One ghost per 1000 miles? Per 10,000 miles?

Here are a collection of Onewheel ghosts and ghost sightings:

This first link could not be embedded, but it’s worth watching a replacement footpad sent to the rider who had ghosting issues that did not solve the problem:

What’s even scarier than ghosts is the silence from Future Motion. At the time of writing this article, they have yet to make a response about the issue and seem to be making efforts to delete all mention of ghosting from their social media:

These were all examples of ghosts that riders decided to share on video. There are plenty other written posts on different social media about people having ghosting issues.

This does not seem to be an isolated problem.

So what do you think? Are Onewheel ghosts something to be afraid of? I was, so I returned my Onewheel GT.


Apparently this ghosting thing is contagious, because here’s a case of it happening to the new Onewheel Pint X.

This last one is just for fun…

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