I’m pleased to announce my store for merchandise and apparel related to Jimmy Chang and my love for electric rideable devices like the Onewheel, electric unicycle, and electric scooters.
This store was inspired by all of you who asked how you could support my website and YouTube channel and for the few of you who asked if I had any merch for sale.
I sat down with my daughter Evie who helped me to put together some pretty rad designs. Since Evie put in the work for many of these designs, a portion of the proceeds will go to her college fund.
Designs are always being updated and changed so be sure to check back often!
Check out my merch at Teespring!
Would it be possible for you to add kids sizes to the store? I’d love to get a shirt or two for my kids for Christmas.
Kid’s sized premium T-shirt up now for this design: https://teespring.com/the-child-onewheel?edit=1&pid=371