Amped Electric Games: The Greatest EUC Show on Earth

Amped Electric Games: The Greatest EUC Show on Earth

by freshlycharged

My buddy Seth Johnson has put together what promises to be an electrifying event called Amped Electric Games where electric unicycle riders from around the world will come together to ride, to learn, and to experience the EUC community.

Electric unicycles are my favorite personal electric vehicle, but the community is relatively small and new. It’s rare for me to find another EUC rider in the wild, but when I do come across another EUC enthusiast, there is an instant bond and connection.

Now image that experience 100 times over with some of the best riders in the world congregating to celebrate their love for these one wheeled devices!

Here is the official press release from Ampled Electric Games:

Amped Electric Games

BENTONVILLE, AR. (August 2022) – Amped Electric Games selected Bentonville, Arkansas for their first-ever International Personal Electric Vehicle Games. The games promise to bring thrills during the weekend of September 2-4, 2022. Riders will come from around the world to compete in the Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV) Competition held at the Bentonville Fairgrounds in Bentonville, Arkansas. 

“The Electric Unicycle (EUC) is revolutionizing urban transportation and is the fastest growing new segment in green transportation,” states Nathan Pust, founder of REV Rides. “We are so excited for more people to experience this level of freedom in transportation and recreation.” 

Amped Electric Games has chosen to GO GOLD® during the event with funds going to the American Childhood Cancer Organization. During the games, guests can purchase 50/50 raffle tickets to win one of two electric unicycles sponsored by Eeves and Free Motion Shop

GO GOLD® events are held by hosts on behalf of The American Childhood Cancer Organization where they raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer. This particular event coincides with Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with hopes to amplify the mission. 

“We’re so excited to be working with Amped Electric Games to GO GOLD® during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month,” said Blair Scroggs, Public Relations Coordinator of The American Childhood Cancer Organization. “We hope that we can work with them for many years to come!”

EUC racers led by Chris Iwinski are expected to reach speeds in excess of 55MPH on up to 24” diameter wheels. Not to be overshadowed, the jumpers plan to attempt a jump over a school bus led by Mike Leahy on their lighter 18” diameter wheels.  Each night spectators will have the opportunity to watch both the main events in racing and jumping as well as these riders’ demonstrations.  

According to Seth Johnson, “We are very excited for this event. We will be showcasing top electric vehicle riders in the country. The events will include on-road and off-road races, jump competitions, obstacle courses, and freestyle. We encourage EUC riders of all levels to join us to meet our VIP riders and participate in these events.”

Learn more about Seth Johnson and why he organized the Amped Electric Games.

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