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New Kush Hi Foot Pad Review

by freshlycharged

Jeff McCosker, the man behind the Float Life and their newest product the Kush Hi, describes the newest foot pad as the Goldilocks of footpads. It’s not too firm, it’s not too soft, its tail is not too extreme, and the concave pocket is not too deep or too shallow. The Float Life Kush Hi is just right!

On my Onewheels I have two boards with the original Kush footpads and one with the Cobra. Here are my thoughts of those footpads:


I really like the tail of the Cobra but visually from the side it seems so thick. You would think the concave pocket of the footpad would be pretty intense, but in actuality, the pocket is pretty subtle in my opinion. Some may like that, but I like to have a little deeper pocket for my rear foot when I ride.

The Cobra pad’s strengths are its more aggressive tail especially if you like to ride with your foot all the way on the back of the board. It also adds a bit of height to the rear foot because of its thickness.

Kush Original

The original Kush pad is definitely an improvement from the stock pad. The concave pocket is great but it does not have nearly as aggressive of a tail as the Cobra.

Don’t expect anything super soft with this footpad. The 80a durometer urethane is soft enough to reduce some of the “chatter and vibration” which leads to foot fatigue. But the Kush is not too soft that it causes you to lose responsiveness.

I really like this footpad, but I always wished it was just a bit more aggressive.

Kush Hi

The Kush Hi is what you get if the Kush original and the Cobra were to spend some time together in the back seat of my car. The Kush Hi combines the benefits of the urethane material to reduce vibration while adding durability.

The shape of the Kush Hi is great. The kick tail is more aggressive but it still maintains the lines and shape to make it look like it’s part of your Onewheel.

I’m putting on more miles on the Kush Hi every day and I am thoroughly enjoying it. My favorite thing about the Kush Hi right now is the deeper pocket. It’s deeper than the Kush original and the Cobra. My foot feels more locked in during turns and I can carve with more confidence.

Then, when I want to put my foot back a little more during long rides, the tail feels nice. No sharp edges. Everything is shaped nicely and feels natural.


The Kush Hi combines all the great traits of my two other favorite foot pads, the Cobra and the original Kush. This is another great product from the Float Life.

There are multiple ways to reduce foot fatigue. Practice and experience are the biggest. If you are still having problems with achey feet, try this footpad. If you are riding a stock footplate, do your feet a favor and treat yourself to the Kush Hi!

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